

Injections that dissolve fat called Aqualyx are proving to be a popular alternative to traditional fat removal treatments. The injections, which can be used on the stomach, thighs, flanks, hips, upper arms, and under the chin, should be given by a doctor who has acquired specialised training. Their use is efficient for tackling hard-to-remove pockets of pinchable extra fat, and it can help complement an active, healthy lifestyle.

What are Aqualyx Injections?

A procedure for eliminating fat from specific places is called Aqualyx. Injection treatments with Aqualyx decrease fat cells in the treated area while being safe and effective. You can eliminate those undesirable pockets of stubborn fat as it creates benefits that last. Small, exercise-resistant pockets of fat on the chin, chest, abdomen, and thighs can be treated with Aqualyx. Although it is helpful for skin tightening and body sculpting, it is not a suggested weight loss strategy. 

Despite exercise and a healthy diet, persistent pockets of excess fat can be a problem for many men and women. Sometimes these fatty areas won’t move, although severe measures like liposuction could seem a better option. The Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Injections can be helpful at that point[1]. Aqualyx Lipotherapy is a fat-removal technique that can be used as an alternative to liposuction to eliminate persistent fat deposits in notoriously tricky places like the stomach, thighs, etc.

It is an enzyme used to dissolve specific patches of fat under the skin’s surface. Though it’s not a weight-loss treatment, it does assist in getting rid of undesirable fat deposits that are resistant to diets or exercise. Although this is a long-lasting cure, patients are recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including eating well and exercising, to prevent weight gain. Otherwise, the problem may return.

How does Aqualyx Work?

The same idea behind how our bodies break down fat is used in this treatment. Desoxycholan, a bile acid produced by our bodies, aids in the digestion of fat. Targeted fat reduction is achieved by using this Aqualyx solution, which includes the same bile acid that our bodies naturally produce. It does this by adhering to the fat cell wall, which causes the fat cells to become unstable and release their contents into the bloodstream, where the body consumes them as fuel. The area surrounding a double chin, the abdomen, the thighs, saddle bags, the stomach, and the upper arms are common treatment sites. When Aqualyx is injected, the fat cell is liquefied and permanently destroyed, and the lipids are released. The lymphatic system then spontaneously eliminates these lipids. Injections for dissolving fat made by Aqualyx are biocompatible and biodegradable.

What are Aqualyx Ingredients?

Aqualyx contains the following ingredients[2]:

  • buffering chemicals
  • a modified compound of deoxycholic acid
  • red microalgae sugars
  • other sugars
  • sodium chloride
  • water

What is the Procedure of Aqualyx Treatment?

The subcutaneous fat tissue is where the Aqualyx procedure is administered. The area may be slightly red or swollen after treatment, but this usually goes away in 1-2 days. There is no recuperation period after this procedure. However, you should avoid hot weather and vigorous exercise for seven days. After this operation, it is essential that you continue eating a nutritious diet to prevent the body from storing the released fatty acids as fat. This is because they are used as energy and must not be stored as fat. The area you want to be treated will determine how many necessary treatments.

What are the benefits of Aqualyx?

  • The fat-dissolving injection procedure Aqualyx is safe and effective, and because it yields long-lasting benefits, you may get rid of those troublesome pockets of resistant fat.
  • Small, exercise-resistant pockets of fat on the chin, chest, belly, and thighs can be treated with Aqualyx.
  • Once injected, the substance begins to function immediately and is particularly effective for skin tightening and body contouring.
  • An alternative to liposuction that is non-invasive.

How safe is Aqualyx?

In more than 49 countries and 2 million treatments since 2009, Aqualyx has been used. It has a solid safety record backed by reliable medical research[3]. Other than swelling for 7–10 days following the treatment, which might be uncomfortable, relatively few side effects are documented. Pain, bruising, and itching are possible complications, though they are pretty infrequent.

Is there any downtime of Aqualyx?

Redness, bruising, and swelling could appear and remain for 48–72 hours. You are permitted to use over-the-counter pain relievers, but it is advised against using anti-inflammatory pain relievers like ibuprofen because they will interfere with the therapy.

Does Aqualyx procedure painful?

Aqualyx is usually regarded as safe for the majority of people, but it is not advised for those who are clinically obese, under the age of 18, or older than 60. It is not safe for those who are breastfeeding, pregnant, or have lipodystrophy. Only a doctor or nurse who has received training in giving these injections should perform this treatment.

Who can go for Aqualyx Treatment?

Aqualyx is usually regarded as safe for the majority of people, but it is not advised for those who are clinically obese, under the age of 18, or older than 60. It is not safe for those who are breastfeeding, pregnant, or have lipodystrophy. Only a doctor or nurse who has received training in giving these injections should perform this treatment.

How much do the treatments cost?

The cost of treatment can range from £250 to £500, depending on the number of injections required and the thickness of the area being treated.


The effect is believed to be permanent once Aqualyx absorbs the extra fat. However, your outcomes may be lessened if you gain weight after the surgery. If you have extremely flabby skin, you should keep in mind that losing weight can result in more skin that needs to be tightened afterward. So, before going to the doctor, one should discuss everything in advance and the possible future risks of having a particular treatment.


[1]     R. K. Mlosek, S. Malinowska, and W. Woźniak, “Lipoma removal using a high-frequency ultrasound-guided injection of a Class III CE-marked device—Empirical findings,” J. Cosmet. Dermatol., vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 469–473, Apr. 2019, doi: 10.1111/JOCD.12681.

[2]     R. M. Makkar, “Treatment of Submental Fat Deposit with Cholanic Acid Intra-Adipocyte Lipolysis Compared with Liposuction Prospective Study:,” http://dx.doi.org/10.5992/AJCS-D-14-00047.1, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 129–136, Sep. 2015, doi: 10.5992/AJCS-D-14-00047.1.

[3]     G. Salti and R. Rauso, “Erratum: ‘injection lipolysis with phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate’ (Aesthetic Surgery Journal (2014) 34:4 (639-640)),” Aesthetic Surg. J., vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 639–640, May 2014, doi: 10.1177/1090820X14528506/3/10.1177_1090820X14528506-FIG1.JPEG.

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